
Capture Your Flag interview about my standup

Here's Part One of an interview about my standup I did with Erik Michielsen of Capture Your Flag, "a resource to help individuals find fulfillment in their career and personal journeys." We talked about my transition from music to comedy, how I got started, the importance of being in flow, and more.

In Part Two, we discuss the influence my parents had on me, the importance of being an editor, finding your voice, warriorness, comedy milestones, working on new material, my standup evolution, and more.

Since we discuss my being a musician a bit in Part One, here's the 411 on that: I spent years as the frontman in a rock band called Plastics Hi-Fi. That was back in my Chicago days. After we split, I recorded a solo album and then moved on to Ruby Lament, a more electronic sounding project. Ya can click on any of those links to hear tracks if you're interested.


Abbi Crutchfield said...

I don't even know who you are anymore.

skippythelabmonkey said...

matt, ignore the negative dicks. we need more of the "mechanics of comedy" stuff. it only improves the "whole". keep up the good work, great web site, and get your ass out here to denver comedy works dammit!

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